Thank You for Endorsing New Day!

Can you help us with expenses?

Communicating with you and other Pacifica members is expensive, because we must use a third-party mail house so the membership information is kept confidential and secure. An email blast costs us $800 each (covers 2/3 of the members)

A small postcard costs us $4000 each (to the 1/3 of members for which Pacifica does not have an email address).

We want to do several emails and one postcard. If you can, please go to our Donation page to make a PayPal or credit/debit card donation. Much appreciated!!

Please tell your Pacifica friends about this petition and ask them to sign, too.

Share with your friends on Facebook and Twitter

Also ask them to go to or our home page to read details and to sign the petition, as you just did.

Thanks again!

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So Pacifica can survive for future generations