We are writing to give you a candid assessment of how Pacifica is doing.
Legal Update
You may recall that Pacifica sued New Day Pacifica (NDP) in the fall of 2021, and then NDP counter-sued. Both sides filed motions with the court, asking the judge to issue summary judgements, to hopefully end the legal struggles without an expensive drawn-out trial. So far the judge has not made a final ruling. Thus, as it stands now, the case will go to trial to be resolved. Stay tuned for further updates.
Pacifica Finances
Pacifica’s debt and reduced listenership and revenue continue to be significant challenges for the organization.
Pacifica’s most pressing need is for governance reform which the New Day bylaws would provide and which a strong majority of membership voted for in June of 2021 referendum. Unfortunately the current management disputes the results of that referendum and we’re still tied up in court.
Individual Stations
KPFA in Berkeley continues to be the most financially healthy of Pacifica’s 5 stations. It continues to pay all its expenses, as well as some of the expenses of other stations.
KPFT in Houston (with its almost all-volunteer staff, including management) had its building sold to pay off some of Pacifica’s debts but has brought back some of its more popular programs, and is now rebounding well, in a less expensive building.
KPFK in Los Angeles, (which is also home to the invaluable Pacifica Radio Archives), WBAI in NYC, and WPFW in DC continue to run deficits but are working to regain audiences and listener members. Pacifica plans to sell KPFK’s building to help pay off some of the debt.
Good News – Pacifica Elections are Moving Ahead
Pacifica has just hired a National Elections Supervisor (NES), Renee Penaloza, who was also the NES in several other elections. This is a first and a very important step in the elections process. Pacifica has also been working on cleaning up the notoriously bad member databases at some of our stations – another very important task, which should be done on a continuous basis by each station’s management, and which helps not only with elections but also with fundraising.
Many members on Pacifica’s Election Committee have suggested that the details of the elections be simplified, more along the lines of what other non-profits do (those which have member elections of Board members). As many members have stated, the main objectives of the NES should be to (1) ensure fairness to all candidates, and (2) reduce complexity and costs of the election and of the NES workload.
More Good News and Our Request
Our stations still have loyal listeners, supporters and dedicated staff (including many who are volunteers), just not as many as in the past. Many people still recognize the need for the independent programming that Pacifica can provide but are concerned about Pacifica’s need for improved governance.
We urge everyone to encourage their Local Station Board members, and the National Board members chosen by those LSB’s, to work together (especially when it’s difficult!), to support management in improving programming quality to help reverse the loss of listeners and donors, so that Pacifica and all our stations can once again rise and thrive.
Onward and Upward!
Your Friends at New Day Pacifica