for the New Day Pacifica Transition 2021-2023
If the New Day Bylaws are approved by the members, the following individuals will serve as Transition Officers of the Pacifica National Board during the 2021-2023 transition period, and be responsible both for implementing the New Day Pacifica Bylaws and also bringing Pacifica back to financial and governance health during the transition.
Chair of the Transition Board:

Sharon Kyle is the publisher and co-founder of the LA Progressive, the digital social justice daily magazine which includes a Who’s Who of progressive thinkers and doers such as Richard Wolff, Margaret Kimberley, Robert Reich, Melina Abdullah, Thom Hartman, Jodie Evans, Vijay Prashad, Erin Aubry Kaplan, Norman Solomon, Jim Hightower, and more. Some have called the LA Progressive the digital companion of KPFK, only without the 110,000 watts. She is also the co-founder of the Left Coast Forum and on the editorial board of She is past president and CEO (and a former law professor) at the People’s College of Law in L.A., the National Lawyers Guild law school.
“Ida B. Wells once said, ‘The way to right wrongs is to turn the light of truth upon them.’ That light is independent media. Without it, we cannot mount impactful movements for social or economic justice. I look to Wells for inspiration which is why I support Pacifica and am honored to be part of the effort to bring Pacifica back to financial and organizational health — there is so much work to be done.”
–Sharon Kyle
Years before immersing herself in the law and social justice, Sharon was a member of several space flight teams at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Among her responsibilities: managing budgets in excess of $400 million for planetary missions including Mars Pathfinder, Magellan, and Genesis; coordinating contract negotiations and monitoring contract compliance for multi-million dollar spacecraft contracts; and advocating for and presenting proposals for funding of new technologies at NASA headquarters in Washington, D.C.
Currently Sharon sits on several boards including the Board of Directors of ACLU National and the Union Board of ACLU Southern California. She was active in the Bernie Sanders For President campaign.
Sharon is a long-time listener and member of KPFK.
Vice-Chair of the Transition Board:

Attorney Jan Goodman is a member of the KPFK Local Station Board and has been the Vice-Chairperson of the Pacifica National Board.

She has been an activist since she picketed riding on her grandfather’s shoulders She has fought for peace, economic and civil rights her entire life, including campaigns around Bernie Sanders, Iran, Iraq, Vietnam, Free Angela Davis, “The Peace Dividend”, election protection, climate change, Black Lives and on and on.
She has been Chair or president of the National Lawyers Guild, Paul Robeson Community Center in South Los Angeles, Southern California Chapter of Americans for Democratic Action, The Sunset Hall Retirement Home, and The Sholem Community, a progressive, peace oriented, secular Jewish Community Organization, with adult activities and a school, and a member of numerous groups.
Treasurer of the Transition Board:

Lynden Foley is a forty year resident of Houston and has been a KPFT listener for over twenty years. He has an MBA in Finance and has worked as a financial analyst for most of his career. As Transition Treasurer Lynden wants to help solve some of Pacifica’s long standing financial and membership problems.
“The music brought me to KPFT but I stayed for Democracy Now. I am fighting to keep our democracy, and to keep Pacifica on the air.”
— Lynden Foley
Lynden’s interests largely center around music and politics. He has been involved with various political demonstrations in Texas, from the encampment outside George W. Bush’s ranch to Indivisible Houston’s weekly protests outside Senator Cornyn’s office after Trump was elected.
He is a current member of the Pacifica National Board as well as former Treasurer of KPFT’s Local Station Board.
Secretary of the Transition Board:

Akio Tanaka says Pacifica first came to his attention in Houston where he was attending Rice University, when in 1970 KPFT came on the air and was immediately bombed off the air. It made an impression.
Akio worked as an engineer and in management at several start-up semiconductor companies in the Bay Area, but has always been interested in economic justice.
Akio has participated in the School of Americas Watch, the U.S./Cuba Labor Exchange Conference, and the Honduran Election Monitoring Delegation. He and his wife put up Darryl Cherney and his supporters during the Earth First vs FBI and Oakland Police trial. They spearheaded a referendum drive to stop the sale of public trust land in Oakland, and organized numerous fundraisers and events for progressive causes and candidates.
Akio is a member of the Green Party of Alameda County, where he has served as County Councillor and Treasurer. Akio is a past Secretary of the Pacifica National Board and current member of KPFA’s Local Station Board.
Please sign the New Day Bylaws petition which also links to other information about the improvements it will bring to Pacifica.