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The current bylaws have failed Pacifica. Vote Yes to Save Pacifica. * Pacifica has forfeited over seven million dollars in no-strings-attached CPB funding (Corporation for Public Broadcasting). * Pacifica has failed every financial audit since 2013. * Pacifica has a $3.2 million loan payment due October 2022—and no reserves to pay it. * Pacifica has burned through 17 executive directors in 18 years, leaving Pacifica essentially leaderless for 18 years. Pacifica needs a rescue plan to keep the ship from sinking. |
New Day Pacifica 10-Point Plan to Save Pacifica Overall goals: * Reaffirm Pacifica’s educational, cultural and social justice mission and Pacifica’s commitment to diversity. * Recommit to all five stations—KPFA, KPFK, KPFT, WBAI and WPFW and the unique identity and audience of each station. * Recommit to great progressive shows and music reflecting Pacifica’s diversity. * Recommit to independent radio, no corporate underwriting. 1. Hit the ground running. First meeting of new 10-person elected national board 10-15 days after the referendum. Full 15-member board including 2 staff directors and 3 at-large “experts” directors by third board meeting. 2. Hire a media-experienced Executive Director to captain the Pacifica ship, overseeing the day-to-day running of the five stations, archives and affiliate network and providing strategic guidance, planning for the Foundation and board. We need media-experienced staff leaders who know how to run a radio network, working with paid and volunteer staff, committed to independent media that is listener-supported. 3. Stop any further staffing cuts at each station if at all possible, stabilize programming at each station. When a popular radio hosts leave, our listenership suffers; it takes months to years to build listenership back up. 4. Emergency fundraising plan. Progressive funders, celebrities, and major donors care about Pacifica’s survival and want to help us. 5. Assess programming at each station. What shows have a listenership, which ones don’t, which ones are strategically important and need a plan to increase listenership. Critical guidance here by experienced staff leadership. 6. Build off of best practices in fundraising and programming already within the Foundation. Create a culture of solidarity and support between stations. End station rivalries. 7. Off-air membership drive led by thousands of Pacifica members to double our membership at each station. 8. Develop a detailed plan to win back Corporation for Public Broadcasting funding totaling one million dollars or more a year. Needs to be a step-by-step detailed plan with timeline and goals, not just an aspirational one. 9. Develop a detailed plan to address the $3.2 million debt that is now due October 2022–in just 14 months. Again this needs to be a step-by-step detailed plan with timeline and goals, not just an aspiration one. 10. Develop a Diversity and Inclusion plan. |
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